Jaume Aguadé's Answers

No. Catalan is a fully independent Romance language.

Catalan is a language which evolved from Latin around the 9th century, as did French, Spanish or Romanian, to name a few of the so-called Romance languages.

Let us quote Glanville Price's Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe (Blackwell 1998):

"Catalan began to be extensively used in prose, as an official and literary language, in the second half of the 13th c., in the various law codes (including the Llibre de Consolat de Mar which became the basis of international maritime law), and in the religious and philosophical works of Ramon Llull (1232-1315). Prose literature, including history -the four Great Chronicles- and translations from Latin and Italian, developed in the 14th c. and reached a peak in the first half of the 15th c. with masterpieces of extended fiction: the anonymous Curial e Guelfa, and Joanot Martorell's Tirant lo Blanc. [...] (Medieval Catalan literature was widely esteemed in its own time, and often translated, into e.g. Spanish, Latin or Italian.)


In the 20th c. there has been an abundance of literary works of all kinds, from all parts of the Catalan territories, though publication and circulation of works in Catalan was very seriously restricted under the Franco dictatorship, especially between 1939 and about 1960."